What to Avoid Before Your Botox or Filler Appointment
To reduce or prevent bruising after your Botox or filler appointment, we kindly ask that you avoid the following items for at least a week prior to your appointment with Dr. Lee:
Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Excedrin, Motrin, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Flax Seed Oil, Fish Oils, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and blood thinners (only if approved by your physician). We also recommend avoiding alcohol a few days prior to your treatment.
Herbal extract Arnica Montana and pineapple extract Bromelain may help prevent and reduce swelling and bruising respectively if taken prior to your appointment. We suggest these supplements be taken in oral or sublingual form at least 3 days before your visit with us. These products are readily available at health food stores such as Sprouts, Whole Foods, or Vitamin World and are inexpensive to purchase.